Completed goals and project results

Completed goals and project results

TRACMASS model was adapted to work on personal computer for low-level simulations and also on multiprocessor server for high-level simulations. TRACMASS model was set up for complex use with two different oceanographic model outputs: ROMS Adriatic and NEMO Mediterranean outputs. The time series of coccolithophores measurement in the Adriatic Sea from the period 2003-2018 at the station StonĨica near the Vis island was assesed to combine TRACMASS modeling methodology with observations from the Adriatic Sea. Oscillations in the time series of coccolithophores correspond to changes in the Adriatic-Ionian Bimodal Oscillating System (BiOS). And this connection can be better investigated with use of Mediterranean model output instead of Adriatic model output. The new scientific method of satellite oceanography has been used, although it was not specified in the project proposal. The first dissemination of the results was made by a lecture delivered to a PML group of scientist oriented towards the study of biological processes in the ocean using satellite products and physical models. The first scientific paper is in the process of being written, and it includes scientist from PML and IOF.

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